First, the user's workspace has two main elements: an Object-level view and a Parametric-level view. The Object-level view is a two dimensional workspace where the high-dimensional objects are down-projected by Weighted Multi-Dimensional Scaling (WMDS). In the 2D Object view, each item is represented as thumbnail image that users can directly manipulate. After WMDS projection, the axes in the Object-level view only represent the relative distance between objects in the high-dimensional space. Users can arrange similar items closer and pull different items further apart. This interaction triggers an inverse MDS where the system tries to find the set of high-dimensional weights that satisfy the low-dimensional configuration. The work space also includes a Parametric-level view, which provides a slider for each attribute of the high-dimensional space. Using these sliders, users can set each weight individually. When satisfied with their interactions, the user clicks the 'Layout' button to re-project the Object Level space.